You have brilliant ideas for a new business plan on something you have always been passionate about. After considering all the possibilities and challenges you might have to face in the future, finally you decide to leave your day job and swerve your way into a full-time entrepreneur. From managing financial plan, designing the product and testing the prototype, to testing the potential market, you have prepared everything carefully. But then you start questioning yourself, are you really ready to launch your business? Starting a startup can be an exhilarating experience that will not only drain your energy, time, and money, but also your emotions. As a newbie in the entrepreneurial world, you will more likely feel worried about the future of business you are about to introduce. The equal chances of gaining phenomenal success or total failure often leads to a feeling of doubt and uncertainty about the path you choose. While you might have prepared a detailed and thorough product design...
SelfStartersNg is a blog that offers you information on opportunities that abound in different sectors in Nigeria. We explore untapped potentials in BUSINESS, EDUCATION, MARKETING, MEDIA, AGRICULTURE, TECHNOLOGY, MINERAL RESOURCES, FASHION, ARTS and MANY MORE. SSN blog is focused on information, opportunities, ideas and innovations that can help you with that SMART MOVE.