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Showing posts from May, 2018

Your business and its mission

A recipe for success in any aspect of life, regardless of industry, culture, continent, religion, race or color, is finding the most authentic version of yourself and expressing it. Look closely at the most successful people in different areas of life and you’ll find a common thread that runs among them. They all have a keen awareness of who they are and what they are about. As a result, they are able to approach life authentically and with purpose, and that’s one of the key reasons for their success.This same fact is also true in business. Name any successful business that has withstood the test of time – CocaCola, Dangote, Guinness, and others – and you'll rea a business that knows who they are and what they are about. That’s what is defined as the “soul” of a business. The journey of an entrepreneur is often fraught with different challenges. It’s often filled with a lot of bumps and more often than not the entrepreneur spends a lot of time trying to keep it together. If you’re ...

Elements of writing a winning business proposal

A winning business proposal needs to have three basic elements known as  the 3 Ps: The problem, the proposed solution and the pricing information. You need to show to the client that you understand clearly what the problem is that you are trying to solve. You should state enough to show that you also have the solution to the problem. When you know the problem and you have the solution, the pricing information states your fee or, if you are looking for funding, ensure you state the profit-sharing formula. Draft a sample business proposal now using the information below: Do your research:  Find out everything you can about your potential client. What is their mission and goal? What problems do they face and how does your proposition help them solve the problem? People only listen to you if your idea helps them fill a need or problem – keep this in mind. If your proposition does not help a client fill a particular need, you need to reconsider your pitch. Keep your propos...