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11 Fantastic Ways Passionate People Impact The World

We all know what it looks like when people are passionate about something. It could be food or fashion or technology, the “what” doesn’t matter — the passion behind it does. The energy found in a passionate person and the way they impact the world leaves us all changed, sometimes in ways we don’t even realize at the time. It sits as a temporary moment and in a flash, it is gone.

Later, we remember that moment and the feeling it stirred within us. We recall the way the person’s eyes lit up whenever they were vulnerable and honest with theirpassion and were willing to share it with us. We felt their excitement. We were drawn into their being. We tasted their power and allowed it to fill our hearts and souls.

Sometimes, without appreciating it at the time, our reality is changed… just because of their passions and how it impacts all of us.

Here’s how they do it:

1. They are problem solvers.

Passionate people don’t waste time on blame for the issue at hand. They understand the situation they are in and look to find a way to fix it. They are eager to resolve the problem and do not seek fame in doing so; they are merely in it to move the process along. They understand that even in the attempt of solving a problem that they are closer than they were before.They are not afraid to try.

2. They are unconditional givers.

No matter what they give, they do so with no strings attached. They understand their role and embrace it. The meaning behind what they give — whether it be their time, their knowledge, or something more of monetary value — never diminishes or changes no matter what happens after the gift is given. Their hearts know the reason and the intent of the giving and the unselfishness purposeis everything they need. It is not found in recognition. It is not found inaccolades. It is only found in the joy they feel afterwards.

3. They are humble

Speaking of giving, passionate people are extremely humble. They embarrass easily when someone highlights their passions or compliments them on something they did that seemed so effortless at the time. They try to blend in with the rest of the crowd and would rather the attention focus on the change they are making instead of the person behind the change. Although this world is full of ego-starved personalities, the most passionate people don’t need to have their ego fed. Instead, they silently embrace the responsibility given to them and the ability to make a difference.

4. They make purposeful decisions

Passionate people don’t wait around and when a decision must be made, they believe wholeheartedly in that choice. They live with intent. They do not allow things to happen, but make things happen instead. They are not afraid to make tough decisions, speak up when needed, and are willing to accept the consequences. They are not afraid of confrontation, but will deal with it when it comes. Although some may not see the reason behind the choices they make.
Passionate people have a reason for doing anything. They own as much as they can, and accept that life cannot be left to “chance.”

5. They follow their hearts

They allow their heads to be smart about their decisions but more often than not, they allow their hearts to guide them. They don’t just listen to their souls — they embrace the messages coming from within. These people have learned to trust their intuition and even if the outcome is not the desired one, they understand the reason they made it. They are not afraid to let others see their vulnerability and in doing so, inspire others to show compassion, generosity, and kindness to those around them.

6. They see the “big” picture

Passionate people are not afraid of the battle they will fight in changing the world. They understand the concept behind “the ripple effect” andwhy even just impactingonelife will have a trickle-down effect that none of us could fully grasp, no matter howhard we try. In doing so, they understand that by impacting a single person changes more than we think it will and appreciate that adding even one stone to a wall builds a fortress. It’s not about the number as it is about the way our lives change because of an appetite for living life to the fullest.

7. They have a positive nature

There are are always going to be two ways to see things in life — one is negative while the other is positive. In most cases, we all find it easier to complain about what didn’t go right, who didn’t do whatever, and why nothing matters. That’s easy. Passionate people don’t dwell in negativity; instead, they see what’s hidden underneath: the good things that can come from a bad situation. Being positive is found in perspectiveand passionate people just see the world a little differently. They understand the reality that life brings,but are hopeful for the future of everyone.

8. They are visionaries

Passionate people are not limited. Even the biggest of comfort zones don’t stand a chance. Pushing themselves to reach higher, do more, and use their creativity to influence the world becomes not just something they do, but it is something they are. Using their imagination to the fullest and believing in what is possible allows us all to discover more of whatcouldbe. Visionaries are not hindered by critics. They are, in fact, driven by those same doubts that would inhibit others.

9. They take action

Fear does not prevent a passionate person from doing something they believe in. They are not afraid to stand alone. Passionate people do more than talk — they actually take it one step further. More than people that “stir the pot” and walk away, passionate people find their own motivation and use it to build momentum. Their actions attract attention not because they want it, but because it is the right thing to do and they understand that until someone actually does something, nothing will change. In a sense, they become an “Army of One,”. They Face Everything And Remain (F.E.A.R).

10. They aren’t afraid to fail

Passionate people are willing to try just about anything. They accept that failure can only be found on the road to success so they expect it. In the process, they learn more than if they had never done anything to begin with and use that knowledge and made adjustments. Passionate people never allow a failure to have the last word because after a failure, it is still the passion of what matters that pushes them forward. Giving up isn’t a part of their vocabulary and they constantly encourage others to keep moving forward as well.

11. They are life-long learners

None of us knowseverything. They are not afraid to admit when they are wrong and allow themselves to be open to new information being shared with them. They are eager to gather more knowledge and will share that with others, regardless. They are willing to share their wisdom freely rather than keeping it for themselves. Whether they are reading books, attending seminars, or just watching life unfold in front of them, passionate people are more aware of the lessons out there for all of us and implement them into their daily thoughts and actions.

Passionate people are extraordinary in every way. They choose to live their lives in ways most would never dare and by just sharing a little part of themselves, they leave traces for the rest of us to pick up and use in whatever way we can. They are the most selfless and caring people out there and live a life without a single regret. Their honesty and tenacity to fight the “good fight” will always be admired and coveted in a world where living for a title and a pay seems to be what drives people today.

As for yourself — why are you so mesmerized by the the purpose and passion found in people? Why is a single act so important and how can it change the world you live in? How can one man or one woman make a difference in a world so vast where anger, hate, and violence still seems to prevail over love and peace? What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?

Then ask yourself one more question…What am I passionate about and how can I impact the world for the better?



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