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Showing posts from June, 2016

Benefits Of Having A Bad Experience In Business.

First of all, I want you to consider the possibility of inevitable experiences turning out to be something good. The most important thing is that you should avoid having a bad experience wherever you can help it. This can only be possible if you take your time to properly look at your decision making process. However, if you happen to be a victim of a bad experience, you may gain one or two things from the benefits listed below. While this can be applied to any sphere of life, we are concentrating on businesses as well as finance. 1. You Get To Know Tricks That Others Do Not Know A bad experience is still an experience and the fact that it is bad drives the lessons into you. One of the lessons is the power to know and recognize the signs whenever it comes around. You may be a victim, but you are now a stronger, observant and more astute victim. You may be able to tell from a mile off when such an experience wants to rear its head again. This in effect equips you and gives you adde...

11 Fantastic Ways Passionate People Impact The World

We all know what it looks like when people are passionate about something. It could be food or fashion or technology, the “what” doesn’t matter — the passion behind it does. The energy found in a passionate person and the way they impact the world leaves us all changed, sometimes in ways we don’t even realize at the time. It sits as a temporary moment and in a flash, it is gone. Later, we remember that moment and the feeling it stirred within us. We recall the way the person’s eyes lit up whenever they were vulnerable and honest with theirpassion and were willing to share it with us. We felt their excitement. We were drawn into their being. We tasted their power and allowed it to fill our hearts and souls. Sometimes, without appreciating it at the time, our reality is changed… just because of their passions and how it impacts all of us. Here’s how they do it: 1. They are problem solvers. Passionate people don’t waste time on bla...