Creating wealth in this broke economy is not easy but it's very much possible.
First of all, try identify problems and see opportunities in them.
Creating wealth in an economy that's broke isn't for jokers but for those serious about microfinance and developing communities.
Our economy has become complex mechanisms for moving money around (you can ask Dasuki for more explanations), and sometimes we confuse moving money with making money. We hope to become wealthy without thinking about generating wealth. Why???
As long as there is a little folding money in our pockets, we don’t think much about generating wealth, yet it’s worth thinking about.
Creating wealth is much different from getting rich. I can inherit millions of Naira, and I’d be rich, but I didn’t create any wealth. I can convince my government that I’m a good candidate for a political post, and I can get wealthy regardless of what I do in office . I can steal from my neighbor and make myself wealthy without making wealth.
The sectors in the economy which creates wealth are into a few big categories. There is the manufacturing sector, which takes steel, rubber, glass and copper and other raw materials and turns them into different products . There is the service industry, which makes sure you get what you need or helps you buy a house. There is the government sector, that encompasses just about anything from tax to public corporations . We have agriculture, growing corn and wheat, or feeding cows that grass to make meat. There is technology, creating the ideas, processes and inventions used by the other sectors. There is agriculture, mining and forestry, or —what if you’re the guy coming up with new ways to make transportation easier? Or that guy with artistic talent ready to rule the world with what you got in you or you want to be in the service industry , technology, or manufacturing sector?
Creating ideas and inventions that can later be used by folks in other sectors to make a new or better product is a nice effort. Certainly an idea has value, that's why you can capitalize on an idea or your talent and start creating wealth. Simple as ABC.
Wealth is principally generated in manufacturing and offering services. In Primary economies, we utilize wealth from Nature. In Secondary economies, we manufacture wealth. In Tertiary economies, we move wealth around. In Quaternary economies, we prepare the manufacturing section to make more wealth.
If you are going to create wealth (which should not be confused with making someone wealthy) you must manufacture or give services. The more value added steps you put in place, the more wealth you create.
Try out common microfinance business models today and think of how you're going to create WEALTH.
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