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TEF entrepreneurship programme

The Tony Elumelu Foundation, an African-funded and founded philanthropy, committed to empowering African entrepreneurs is now accepting applications for the 2019 cohort of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programm e. The programme is a 10-year, $100 million commitment to identify, train, mentor and fund 10,000 African entrepreneurs, a press statement from the organisation has stated. The programme’s objective is to generate at least one million new jobs and create at least $10 billion in new business revenue across Africa. Now in its fifth year, the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme has empowered 4,470 entrepreneurs, using a bespoke and robust selection, training and implementation process to create visible and sustainable impact across all 54 African countries, the statement highlighted. The TEF Entrepreneurship Programme is open to citizens and legal residents of all African countries, who run for-profit businesses based in Africa that are no older than three years. The deadline for ap...
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